Senin, 30 November 2015

wirausaha muda

Talkshow Entrepreneurial, 
Business Buzz For Youth, Sunday, November 29, 2015

 I thank PCMI RIAU who has held this event because a lot of things I can take from the experience Mr. Andi Ricki Rosali an independent young entrepreneurs.

 on this occasion I am very motivated in entrepreneurship because I mersekolah in my automatic farm will be required to become entrepreneurs because a farmer is the spearhead of the economy of a country.  

in this case I am still unsure whether I was able to become entrepreneurs in agriculture or should I ran towards the other, because I think I was able to entrepreneurship. 

 but in talk show yesterday I was very tempted by the results obtained by Andi bang Ricki Rosali which said its income per month is able menyapai billions rather than millions, after hearing that my heart was passionate to become entrepreneurs, but I'm confused what should entrepreneurs ....? ?????

 and emcee also asked bang Andi Ricki Rosali what entrepreneurs lived and he said everyone must know, because if someone comes home to eat then 9 out of 10 people directly choose the food !!! 

 you must know "pok pok pok" yes CHICKEN who sells ....
 he thought that the chicken pieces are very much demand anything else in its region, namely Jakarta, he said jakarta not the same as that market pekanbaru pekanbaru been slow in jakarta market demand while at the wheel walking fast market today contonhya jakarta citizens want to eat fish again tomorrow turns into chicken and changed so sedngkan pekanbaru today eat fish until next week still eat fish ... 
in this case yes immediately think to choose the chicken because the chicken is always much demand. and I also have to think that people need pekanbaru apasih ??? I think I should be able to open agricultural land where I will plant material that is always needed by the people, namely onions, peppers and other spices I hope readers to pray for me to be a young entrepreneur at the age of 20 years :)

 greetings blogger

Kamis, 12 November 2015

mountain jayawijaya

jayawijaya mountain

Jayawijaya mountain located in the province of Papua, Jayawijaya mountain is a mountain located in tropical region which has an altitude of 4884 m and in the vicinity there Carstensz glacier, the only one in Indonesia tropical glaciers, which most likely will soon vanish due to global warming.
This mountain has its own uniqueness which mountain the only one who has the eternal snow on the summit of which can not be diprovinsi other,for a mountain climber Jayawijaya very suitable for climbers because Jayawijaya mountain panorama elsotis is at the foot of the mountain we can see the expanse of the lush forests and once we reach the top of the mountain victorious wijaya we will be shown the appearance of the existence of eternal snow in the continental tropics

if you want to visit this location there will not be sorry with the arrival there to the mountain Jayawijaya mountain journey because not only will there be but it will be much longer do you see as the culture, food, and otherwait for further information about the natural potential of Indonesia

Rabu, 12 Februari 2014

facts about the beauty of Indonesia

1. Gunung Rinjani, NTB

Rinjani has a panoramic view that can be considered the best among the mountains in Indonesia. Each year (June-August) visited lovers of nature ranging from local residents, students, nature lovers. The average air temperature of about 20 ° C; lows 12 ° C. Strong winds in the usual peak occurred in August. Lucky end of this July, the wind is still quite weak and quite sunny weather, so the climb to the top can be done anytime.

2. Pulau Komodo, NTT

Komodo National Park is an area consisting of several islands with sea water. These islands are the habitat of the Komodo dragon (Varanus) is an ancient reptile left in the earth. Unique natural conditions, there is a vast savanna with trees lontarnya (Borassus flabellifer).

3. Kepulauan Raja Ampat, Papua Barat

Raja Ampat Islands is an archipelago located in the west of the island of Papua in the province of West Papua, precisely at the bird head of Papua. The islands are purpose-diver divers who are interested in the beauty of the underwater scenery

4. Kawah Ijen, Jawa Timur

Kawah Ijen volcano is one tourist attraction in Indonesia. Ijen Crater is a famous tourist attraction, which has been recognized by domestic and foreign tourists for its natural beauty and marine.


5. Carstensz Pyramid, Papua

Indonesia should take pride in the uniqueness and richness of nature and tradition masayarakatnya. This time, the Carstensz Pyramid or what could be called a glorious peak, also in Papua. Carstensz Peak is the highest peak in Australia and Oceania

6. Gunung Anak Krakatau, Selat Sunda

Krakatua is a volcanic island that is still active and is located in the Sunda Strait between Java and Sumatra. This name was ever pinned on a volcanic peak over there who, because of the eruption on 26-27 August 1883, then vanished. The explosion was very powerful and the resulting tsunami killed about 36,000 people

7. Gunung Bromo, Jawa Timur

Mount Bromo volcano is still active and most famous as a tourist attraction in East Java. As a tourist attraction, Mount Bromo become attractive because of its status as the volcano is still active.

8. Gunung Kelimutu, NTT

Kelimutu is a volcano located on the island of Flores, NTT Province, Indonesia. The mountain location is precisely in the Village District Kelimutu strikes, Ende. This mountain has three crater lakes on top. The lake is known as the Lake Three Colors because it has three different colors, namely red, blue, and white. However, the colors are always changing with the passage of time.

9. Taman Laut Bunaken, Sulawesi Utara

Bunaken marine park has a 20 point dive (dive spot) with varying depths of up to 1344 meters. Of the 20 point dive, the 12 point dive in which are located around the island of Bunaken. Twelve point of diving is the most frequently visited by divers and lovers of the beauty of the underwater scenery.

10. Danau Toba, Sumatra Utara

Lake Toba is a volcanic lake with a length of 100 kilometers and 30 kilometers wide (the largest volcanic lake in the world). In the middle of this lake there is a volcanic island called Samosir Island. Lake Toba has long been an important tourist destination in North Sumatra, Bukit Lawang and Nias, attract domestic and foreign tourists.